Sunday, December 18, 2011

Justin Bieber HELP AUTISM PLEASE! Under The Mistletoe defined.

Under The Mistletoe is...
Being surrounded and encased with the tingling, everlasting gift of the magic of Christmas that is unexplainable, inexplicable, guaranteed and a feeling that runs deeper than our souls, brighter than the most brilliant smile and more fulfilling than the most memorable Thanksgiving dinner. It is for many, the greatest love we have or will ever know.
Under the Mistletoe is the fairy dust that lands on our heads and in our hearts when we see the first strung up lights, hear the first Christmas Carol on the Radio or open the first Christmas card from Grandma. Under the spell of Saint Nicholas that reminds us that each gift, each party and every Macy's Parade is the reminder that we DO love, we CARE and inside we are all children who treasure a unity where wars, hatred, guns, drugs, violence, jealousy, misunderstandings and cruelty CEASE...once a year, and love for each other prevails as we all hug family members, co-workers, neighbors and even a few strangers...trying to reassure all  the special people in our lives and in the world, (BECAUSE WE ARE ALL VERY SPECIAL AND UNIQUE), that we are not alone.
The divine mistletoe makes us drop our money in a bucket next to a smiling bell ringer to help make our communities a better and happier place to live. ONLY if we could spend the other 364 days as if we were always Under The Mistletoe.
Under The Mistletoe is having gifts like a remarkable child in The Autism Spectrum who battles each day to come out of the darkness and somehow, on December 25th each year, he fully jumps out through his eyes, squeals of joy and endearing hugs to show us all that Mistletoe magic is what cures and helps to heal every shattered life, spirit, broken heart, crumbled dream, unexplained disorder or insidious disease. The Season of Mistletoe it is the beginning of another new cycle where HOPE, the fuel that keeps us going in the face of hardships, is refilled once again.
If Justin Bieber could just possibly know that my son is standing behind me, on his IPAD, replaying Under The Mistletoe over and over, reading the lyrics I printed off...and with his severely Apraxic and usually barely intelligible speech a clear, LOUD and WONDROUS genius, amazing, 5 year old Autistic son is singing Under The Mistletoe...each and every word! Less than 1 1/2 years ago, he had only 2 words, NOW he is READING and singing hundreds of new words! Please go to The home page entitled GROUND ZERO is the place to meet Dezi. He chose Justin's CD this past week over every movie and CD in the store…and every toy in the universe!  He is Justin's biggest fan! He even says it's OK that Selena doesn't marry him because Justin is awesome, (really!)...he still thinks perhaps Selena would consider marrying him AND Justin! I’m still trying to explain…(lol!)
Although it's a VERY rough first draft, I wish that Justin would please go to YouTube, Charlie Hackett Circus Performer...and find the zirkuskat page, then listen to Dezi's Song...and consider recording it. or the 1 in 30 boys now being born with Autistic Spectrum Disorders and the 1 in 50 girls with the same...only Justin has the crystal voice, the heart and the attention to deliver this song about Autism that will give hope YEAR ROUND to the world. We need to help the parents, the caregivers and the loved ones of the children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, (ASD), which includes Asperger’s...who grow up to be Tom Hanks, Bill Gates, Dr. Temple Grandin, James Durbin, Elvis, Marilyn, Einstein, Orson Wells, Andy Warhol, Michelangelo, Daryl Hannah, James Taylor, my son Dezi and so many other Autistics...and finally deliver a banner song for Autism. Dezi’s Song is an inspiring, powerful, emotional and needed message that will bring a Mistletoe ray of hope to us all...the 90 million already diagnosed Autistics...and the countless numbers that are hidden in the other 80% of the population who are undiagnosed.
Let us open our hearts to the parents and loved ones of the Autistic kids who GLOBALLY die each day from drowning, wandering and falling from heights, (AWAARE). We must be made aware of the tragedies that never should have happened to parents like John Travolta and Kelly Preston for their son, Jett, or to Angie Dickinson and Burt Bacharach for their beautiful daughter Nikki.
How scary the world must be right now for all the children with Autism who have lost their parent, caregiver or loved one, like Phoebe Snow's daughter Valerie Rose. Phoebe refused to institutionalize her precious daughter and dedicated her life to healing and learning to help her.
The Awareness of truth about ASD will help Autistic kids who struggle every day in a world that only sees DISABILITIES, not ABILITIES, like Sylvester Stallone’s son Sergeoh or my son Dezi.
The numbers will never get lower and the prediction of all boys being affected (or ‘GIFTED’ depending on how much Awareness you possess,...if not with Autism, then Tourette's, OCD, ODD, Bi-Polar, ADD, ADHD, etc...Combined with a predisposition to be the most talented, brilliant, beautiful and gifted geniuses and savants throughout history!
SEND THE MESSAGE OUT JUSTIN! The gloom and doom message is only to coerce people to buy books, try diets that have no effect, put their kids through guinea pig life threatening or painful therapies, push psychotropic medications, institutionalize, drain their bank accounts on DVDs and lectures to learn and help. We donate monies which only go to pay high administration fees in Societies which RARELY GIVE NEEDED THINGS LIKE IPADS OR ABA THERAPY TO THE KIDS OR THEIR FAMILIES.
We MUST consider the billion dollar Autism Therapy market that WASN'T there when Tom Hanks, Dr. Grandin, Elvis or Einstein...and the millions of others over the course of history who MADE IT THROUGH to lead functional lives...for FREE.
The gift Justin has is no less miraculous than the magic of Mistletoe...I can only hope and pray that he would use it to sing Dezi's Song and bring attention to the TRUTH about Autism. There are  concessions for the Blind and Deaf found almost everywhere, wheelchair accessibilities for the handicapped and so forth, the world will start to build quiet rooms, fund gifted and talented scholarships, demand and provide early screening and follow up with correct therapy, (ABA...Applied Behavior Analysis), build restaurants with the unique taste preferences of the persons with ASD and perhaps even therapeutic playrooms instead of unrestricted kids running everywhere, and to do everything we possibly can to prepare the world for persons with Autism. We must make our threatening world into an understanding magical world of HOPE every day of the year.
Dezi’s website is also Mistletoe because it talks of HEALING, (The Mary Poppins therapy), FACTS, SIGNS, RESEARCH, CELEBRITIES, CAUSE, CORRECT TREATMENTS, REAL STORIES, LOVE and HOPE and is completely FREE to everyone! is NOT selling products, gimmicks, or jump on the bandwagon frivolous lawsuits which ultimately hurt those who need our help.
A billion dollar industry now exists that sells hardly more than re-inventions of a wheel already set in stone OR complete bogus, unfounded, disproven or blatant lies ALL which keep us confused and spinning in circles while the children ages of maximum treatment impact, (called Early Intervention), at 3-5 years of age, are tragically missed!  Applied Behavior Analysis, ABA MUST occur using 40 hours a week of one on one, intensive therapy provided free to the caregivers through the school districts. Recent legal decisions in Tennessee and Virginia show that the Courts, though slow in Awareness, are finally coming around! ABA, once only research based, is NOW evidence based and being embraced at a high Court level. 42 states collect hefty Autism stimulus from the federal government and do NOT give therapy in the schools.
Worse are the states where Autism and Asperger’s, (still sometimes referred to separately), are not included in health care at all. How horrible that the realization of functionality versus dysfunction is still not recognized. 8 states do appropriate and accommodating early intervention. Numerous families continue weekly to migrate to these states as Awareness is spreading and the excess is causing even those 8 states to run short in both school and community resources.
This costly and wasteful imbalance will stop when ONLY those agencies and schools which offer ABA, (40 hours a week, parent training, one methodology get the stimulus. This will also cause the other 42 to get on the ball and stop getting the kids to a level 2 or 3 when they can almost all be 10’s! Setting the bar so low is developmentally detrimental in every way. IPADs, XBOX with Kinect technology, V Tech V Smile and V Tech V Readers are just a few examples in my own research of technology that will help these kids, (and adults). Those who scoff suffer from severe shortsightedness. It is far better to spend a half million on each child than the between 33 and 70 million depending upon the medical needs of the individual.
The public wants to help and the false spread of doom is an unnecessary and unfair practice. It is important when helping a cause to look deeply into the platforms and practices of the agencies. There will be many very upset when they find out who has been benefitting from the millions already donated. Government and Private parties alike are being duped.
Further, people need to know WHERE to donate! Millions are given to organizations that wouldn’t give my son a dime! Give to community organizations, directly to families, ask the schools if you can ‘adopt’ a family for Christmas and help with gifts and food, give to Organizations like AUTISM SPEAKS who help, educate, provide, research, listen and advocate, Autism Speaks is another Mistletoe.
Renowned, brilliant and GENEROUS Autistic Bill Gates, by way of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are the driving force behind cures of not just Autism, but farmers, schools, medical research, Mentally, Developmentally and Physically disabled needs of every kind…they are Mistletoe. Mistletoe is the media responsible for allowing me to be Dezi's voice until his can be heard clearly and intelligibly… just like it is right now while he sings along with you, Justin
Under The Mistletoe, (except for showing my age by not knowing what “shawty” means), is a wonderful, meaningful song which has a positive meaning and I found myself singing right along. Justin is a role model and big hearted young man who carries sincerity and puts it out through his God given voice. ...YOU and your voice are Mistletoe Justin Bieber, just ask Dezi!
I wish you could give my 5 year old, who is UNIQUE LIKE EVERYONE and wants to either be The President, (like Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and others who had Autism), OR , (like Elvis, James Taylor , Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, James Durbin,  and so many other great singer entertainers with Autism), Dezi, wants to be a “Rock Star.” This is BECAUSE of Selena Gomez, The Jonas Brothers AND Justin.  
I wish he could give Dezi a huge high five, a hug, a kiss on the forehead, a pat on the back for battling like a warrior and DEFEATING his own Autism! He will always be Autistic and that never changes HOWEVER, the difference in methodology and the age appropriate time it is began WILL mean the difference between a functional and independent life or a dysfunctional existence requiring assistance and protection or in  huge percentages, undiagnosed, mistreated and/or untreated persons with ASD can be found in prisons, mental institutions or dead. We MUST change the Myths about Autism! After going to and reading the list of famous persons with Autism, I realized that rather than a gloom and doom prognosis, we would be on a pirates treasure hunt to find each child’s unique area of genius or savant gifts. The man who discovered Autism, Dr. Hans Asperger’s referred to the unique boys as “little professors”! This is hardly a depressing outlook. Today, the internet has hubs of Social Networking sites for 'Aspies' as they have self titled! This is hardly a depressing outlook. Whereas it was once believed that only 1.5-2% possessed extraordinary gifts, (like Rainman they were referred to as Idiot Savants but it was changed to Autistic Savants),  we now know that ALL, (with the small percentage of low functioning persons with ASD…which simply means an IQ under 80), persons with ASD have probable savant areas! The trick is to find that area and find it early on. This is where the IPAD, an endless resource where someone can surf and seek out their ’niche’ should be in the hands of every child within the spectrum! No parent, teacher, caregiver or therapist can possibly know engineering, math, science, music, art, or any of the other areas where their legacy has shown they will be the brightest and the best! These children these amazing people with Autism, they ARE the World’s Mistletoe!
Mishandled, misdiagnosed and/or mistreated, the list begins with JEFFREY DAHMER and ADOLPH HITLER. We cannot afford to stay in the dark, do nothing, take risks with their lives and futures…and the future of our communities and world as we know it.
The numbers are increasing at a rate unparalleled and EVERYONE putting false information out there which interrupts correct knowledge and CURE should be criminally held accountable! (See The Jen McCarthy Body Count web site). They are NOT Mistletoe! Ms. McCarthy was deemed a menace to our children and society years ago by the CDC and Board of Pediatricians YET her book remains on the shelf and is still touted as a good resource! Why isn’t she calling Oprah and Ellen to tell the truth? Why is there information that her son NEVER HAD AUTISM to begin with? It is presumed he has Landau-Kleffner Disorder which early resembles Autism BUT there is a full recovery minus a lingering seizure tendency. Further in her ‘esteemed’ experiment, are we not to realize that what are more apt to draw a child out of darkness and WANT to participate in life are The Pet Detective and not a yucky glass of rice milk?
Shame on everyone who continues the GFCF Diet promises and KNOWS that it makes NO DIFFERENCE! Clearly, if your child is allergic to glutens then don’t give them to him. If my child is allergic to strawberries I won’t give them to him either. That HOWEVER does NOT heal or treat Autism! These kids have terrible digestion because they are either starch junkies or have The Gustatory Disorder, (Picky eater). Get them on supplements and they begin to thrive.
The diet wasn’t around when Isaac Newton, Emily Dickinson or Andy Warhol, W. B. Yeats or Orson Wells were battling and learning to function with their Autism! The Gluten Free Casein Free diet as a means to chelate the body, (in a body with average to high levels of testosterone), was DISPROVEN 5 years before Ms. Jen was born when many of our boys returned from Vietnam full of Agent Orange, (their symptoms strongly resembled many ASD behaviors and disorders), and their bodies COULD NOT be reduced of metals!
Testosterone, which we ALL have, is a MAGNET for heavy metals! Estrogen and Progesterone are not. That’s why Autism, ADD, ADHD, Sensory Dysfunctions, Tourette’s, Parkinson’s, etc…are predominantly in MALES. The only females affected are those with higher levels of testosterone. This is the ‘tom boy’ type who climbs trees and isn’t afraid to put a worm on a fishing hook.
In 1980, Autism was thought to be 1 in 10,000. Today, despite what the US Media is telling us, Autism is NOT 1 in 100, Globally, Autism is believed to be 1 in 30 and rising.  I do not believe the 1980 number is accurate. I believe that Autism has definitely risen BUT it’s the awareness and screening techniques that have improved. Anti-Social behaviors or ‘shyness’, Sensory Issues like picky eaters, those who cannot tolerate certain fabrics touching them or refuse to try new foods, those who are perfectionists and prefer to line toys up side by side rather than play with them as neuro-typicals do, the ‘geeks’ and brainiacs, the ‘eccentric’, etc…these could well have all been persons affected with ASD who had the support to mimic typical behaviors and eventually fit in.
Amazing that the list of persons with Spectrum Disorders are rarely seen in news rags showing a lifestyle of going out to clubs or being seen in large gatherings. They may have been speaking to them, singing to them or working amongst them BUT they all preferred one on one social grouping or just staying home and well away from the crowds. I am certain that most of us have many friends, family members, alumni, co-workers and /or Social Networking friends with ASD. So, the answer?
Moms are the greatest Mistletoe of all! Moms used to stay home. Moms set routines like washing hands before dinner, homework before play, limited hours in front of the television and expectations on their kids. Correct treatment for Autism as embraced by The Surgeon General in 1999 IS ABA or Applied Behavior Analysis. Behavioral modifications are what is being used successfully and what stay home mommies did best.
The rise in numbers is supported by the rise in metals in our environment and the rise of moms having to leave their kids in day cares or home alone in order to work. It all makes sense. There is another key element having to do with the Birth Control that cannot be filtered out of our drinking water and makes our wombs imbalanced with too much Estrogen and Progesterone thereby causing the fetus’s to balance by making too much testosterone. Whammo…the perfect storm. Why do we think we are suddenly seeing signs urging us to STOP flushing medications and to throw them away? Perhaps if we stopped witch hunting and suing everyone we could address the real causes.
Let’s take the Mistletoe into our hearts and begin the changes and awareness we need so kids like Jett Travolta and Nikki Bacharach don’t have to have such tragic and totally preventable deaths.
My son has been asking me if I could make him meet Justin Bieber. I wish for my perfectly created son who can, at 5, read at a 7th grade level and identify and spell things like a rhombus, isosceles triangle, a cone, pyramid and cube, do 3rd grade math, play board games and memorize and spell every name of every classmate, every television show on Disney or Nickelodeon or sing every word to Strange Things from Toy Story and Under The Mistletoe…AND who happens to have Autism, to be blessed with gift of friendship from the boy who inspires my son to SING and DEVELOP his voice. Can anyone manage to let Justin know about Dezi? is about Dezi and his life…and about the truth of Autism.
Defeating Autism and meeting Justin Bieber, (who Dezi wants to take him to Pizza planet), would be his greatest gifts Under the Mistletoe! Merry Christmas Justin Bieber and thank you for the light you shine on Dezi, our family and so many others around the globe.
Please help us, with Dezi’s Song and with the truth about ASD, use your gift to bring Awareness, Hope and Healing to these amazing humans beings. I know that you could reach out where so many others are failing up against those who would rather the lights never come on in the darkness! Blessings to Justin Bieber, everyone whose life is blessed with ASD and to the world who for the most part, stops all hatred on the one most special day of the year…to partake in the joy The Mistletoe holds and brings to us all!

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